Collaboration Is An Imperative We Practice


We continue to collaborate with many organizations.
If you’re interested contact us at


International Open Data Charter

GOOD is an Endorsing Institution of the ODC. We support and advocate the 6 principles of open data in collaboration with the ODC team. We also participate in their Implementation Committee.


The Governance Lab

GOOD is part of GovLab’s collaboration network. We are currently working with GovLab in developing a webinar and workshop on the 3rd wave of Open Data. Additional information at Data Stewards and Third Wave of Open Data


Canadian Open Data Society

CODS is a grassroots Canada wide organization that recently incorporated. Some people from the open community participate in both organizations and we’re just starting to define the details of our collaboration.

Code for Canada

Code for Canada is a respected non-profit that seeks to help governments and communities harness the power of digital. GOOD continues to collaborate with C4C to create awareness and undertake knowledge sharing with the community.

Open Government Partnership - Local

GOOD is part of the International Open Government Partnership’s OGP Local monitoring network. GOOD undertakes the assessment of the Province of Ontario OGP Action Plans.

Open North

Open North is Canada’s leading not-for-profit organization specializing in open smart cities, public consultation, open data and open government, and data governance. Its mission is to drive research, capacity-building and network collaboration across and within sectors to advance the responsible and effective use of data and technology in service to transparent, accountable and inclusive communities.

Data for Good

Data for Good is a Canadian not-for-profit organization that provides opportunities for skilled data scientists and analysts to volunteer with social sector organizations. We help to empower organizations to generate insights through data in order to increase their impact in the community.

More Collaborators on the way